
GB6- Change Your Gut, Change Your Life

Our advanced digestion and gut-brain formula is designed to support gut immune function, gut flora balance, gut barrier and lining, healthy stress response, positive mood, and overall brain health. Trust your gut and try GutBiome6 today.

Frequently Asked Questions


GB6 is a powder supplement formula designed for advanced digestion and gut-brain support.


Science has discovered a second brain hidden in the walls of your digestive system. Your “second brain” links digestion, mood, immune health, and even behavior. Science calls this little brain the enteric nervous system (ENS). The “second brain” is two layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gut, and it sends signals to your big brain, or central nervous system (CNS). For people experiencing gut issues, this can trigger emotional & physical health shifts. Together, our “two brains” play a key role in overall health and well-being.


Bovine colostrum, 85% pure fucoidan, a special beta-glucan plant fiber, P.R.P. peptides, prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.


No, probiotics are only one of the fermentation biotics needed to create beneficial bacteria. GB6 contains a multi-biotic (pre-biotics, pro-biotics, and post-biotics) that creates a much more diverse microbiome to support an optimal environment for digestion.


Our multi-biotics contain all three forms of biotics (pre, pro, & post), which plant, seed, and harvest the most abundant beneficial bacteria for a healthy gut ecology system.


Using the scoop provided, take four rounded scoops per day. Place it on the tongue, or mix it with water or juice for easy consumption.


If you suffer from occasional gas, bloating, or indigestion, these are all signs your gut could be imbalanced. Our everyday diets can wreak havoc on the gut and cause a ripple effect of health issues. Correcting a poor diet & eliminating food sensitivities is often not enough to solve the problem. Additional supplementation with GB6 brings components that allow the body to experience relief and comfort to digestion issues by balancing your gut flora.


GB6 feeds your gut what it needs to maintain a strong barrier & healthy mucosal lining. When you detox & strengthen your gut, this balances the brain by aligning the communication link with the brain and intestinal functions.


GB6 is intended for adults 18 and older, but it is safe for children if taken under a doctor’s supervision.


GB6 contains milk-derived proteins from the bovine colostrum. While not considered dairy-free, these proteins are in trace amounts. GB6 is gluten-free, soy-free, GMO-free, shellfish-free, and sesame free.


Yes, there are no known contraindications with GB6, but check with your doctor to be safe.


All the ingredients are natural and do not pose any safety concerns for pregnant or nursing women. However, check with your doctor before adding it to your routine.


No. GB6 does not require refrigeration